Monthly Archives: December 2013



745_WomanPrayingI’m not sure I can even begin to wrap words around the emotions I am feeling today.

Yesterday was the day my mom and Joey’s friends finally had the opportunity to face George Martinez, Jr., the man responsible for the death of Joey Jello. Read the rest of this entry

An Open Letter to the Friends of Joey Jello


Just a small sample of Joey’s many, many wonderful friends.

I just want to take a minute or two to say how special you all are and how much you mean to me and my family.

Joey and I were brought up with a high standard of friendship, and to be quite honest, I had come to believe that perhaps there weren’t more than just a handful of folks on this planet who held that same standard. But it seems that Joe had found a deep well of friends who stand by you through it all. Read the rest of this entry

The hardest words I’ll ever write


JGBallard_Crash_OriginalManuscriptIt’s been more than a month since I’ve written here. The reason is every time I put my fingers to keys, I know what I really should be writing. Next week, my mom will travel to Austin, TX for the allocution of George Martinez, Jr., the man responsible for my brother’s death. During the allocution process, the victims of his crime will have the opportunity to speak to the defendant, or in my case, my letter will be read in court as I cannot be there in person.

This is my one and only chance to speak to this man, to say the things I need to say and to finally put this chapter behind me. Not to put Joey behind me, but to release the pain and anger.

I know some of the things I want to say, some that I need to say, but nothing seems like enough. Read the rest of this entry